The Yasser Arafat Foundation commemorates the birth anniversary of the great national leader Saad Sayel (Abu Al-Walid)


On Sunday, October 1, 2023, the Yasser Arafat Foundation the Yasser Arafat Foundation commemorated the birth anniversary of the national leader Saad Sayel (Abu Al-Walid), in Al-Muntada Hall of the Yasser Arafat Museum.

The event opened with the Palestinian national anthem, a minute of silence, and the recitation of Al-Fatiha for the souls of martyr President Yasser Arafat and his companion Saad Sayel, as well as all Arab and Palestinian martyrs.

Dr. Ahmed Soboh, Director General of the Yasser Arafat Foundation, welcomed the audience and stressed that this event, which is being held near the martyr President Abu Ammar's shrine and the site of his siege, is a tribute and loyalty to the late Sayel and what he gave to Palestine and its revolution.
He pointed out that the event falls within the “In National Memory” program, which is implemented by the Foundation and highlights symbols and leaders from the founders and companions of the late President Yasser Arafat.

Dr. Soboh confirmed that it became clear that the late Saad Sayel was not an ordinary leader, but rather he was different par excellence, and he formed a professional military model during the era of the Palestinian revolution, as he joined the military college and rose through the military ranks during the revolution, and added new dimensions to it, and he was in contact with the men of the revolution in the field, and reached Its well-deserved position.

The Foundation presented, the "Marshal of Beirut," a film examining the life and contributions of Saad Sayel during the Palestinian revolution.

Commander Saad Sayel is an outstanding individual with a big influence on the Palestinian revolution, according to Mahmoud Al-Aloul, Vice President of Fatah Movement and Central Committee member, and his acts serve as evidence of his remarkable abilities. Al-Aloul said “I feel embarrassed when talking about Commander Saad Sayel", adding that the 1967 defeat greatly impacted Abu Al-Walid's mindset, causing him to seek hope in the Fatah guerrilla movement and participate in a continuous military battle with the Israeli occupation to achieve independence.

He added that Sayel, a key Palestinian leader, maintained daily contact with fighters to monitor their conditions and the revolutionary march. He provided the Palestinian revolution with new technologies and weapons through his relationships with various countries. Abu Al-Walid made significant efforts to build, divide, and subordinate forces, opening horizons for training Palestinian revolutionaries and integrating them with regular Jordanian, Syrian, and Lebanese armies. Al-Aloul attributed the title "Marshal of Beirut" to Saad Sayel's significant role in the historical and legendary steadfastness during the Beirut siege, alongside martyrs Yasser Arafat, Khalil Al-Wazir, and Salah Khalaf.

Nabil Amr, a writer and politician, confirmed that the assassination of Commander Saad Sayel "Abu Al-Walid" would not have occurred without his significant role in the Palestinian revolution until his martyrdom on 9/27/1982 in Lebanon.

He added that Abu Al-Walid, a professional soldier, effectively performed his duties without getting confused or focusing on minor details, even during dark events. He formed a large, organized military system of diverse soldiers, calming the chaotic situation following the Beirut events.
Amr stated that Saad Sayel's martyrdom marked a significant loss for Palestine, as he was a distinguished military and political leader with rare counterparts.

In a speech to the family, Walid Saad Sayel, a member of the Yasser Arafat Foundation Board of Directors, expressed gratitude to attendees for attending his father's birth anniversary commemoration and thanked the foundation for organizing it. Walid praised his father as a leader, defender, and innovator, as well as a caring father who supported his family in difficult circumstances.

He continued, “It is the memory of a father who will never be repeated,  and his memory is still a safety shield during life's darkest nights. The yellow September paper re-weaves his positions, revealing his gifts and presence in the Arab arenas of jihad. He used his knowledge of weapons, love, and war for the restoration of Palestine".

Walid Saad Sayel emphasized the importance of restoring Palestinian national unity, stating that Palestine remains the unifying prayer for all its people, and Jerusalem remains the source of strength for the liberation of free Palestine.

Saad Sayel was martyred on September 27, 1982, during his inspection tour of Palestinian revolutionary forces in Lebanese Bekaa. He was assassinated by Israeli treachery during an armed ambush on the line linking Al-Riyaq and Baalbek, marking the first day of Eid al-Adha.